Liquidation totale carte VTES !!

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Modérateurs : Modérateurs, V:EKN France

Messages : 133
Inscription : 26 février 2003, 14:40
Localisation : Paris

Liquidation totale carte VTES !!

Message par Ismond »


Je vends ma collection de 22 007 cartes ci-dessous.
Le tout pour 1 000 Euro (+ frais de port si nécessaire).

Je donne gratuitement, à l'heureux acheteur :
- une boite de 8 starters LOTN ( 2 A, 2 F, 2 G, 2 R )
- 4 starters LOTN ( 1 A, 1 F, 1 G, 1 R )
- une boite Blood Shadowed Court
- 1 VTES Player's Kit
- Pleins de pochettes et pleins de compteurs
- quelques cartes "missprint" jyhad (blood rage, concealed weapon gangrel de-evolution)
Dernière modification par Ismond le 08 novembre 2010, 20:50, modifié 1 fois.
Vente de decks
Messages : 133
Inscription : 26 février 2003, 14:40
Localisation : Paris

Message par Ismond »

Voici une extraction de quelques vampires (teaser inside)

Crypt [183 vampires] Capacity min: 3 max: 11 average: 8.61202

14x Marcus Vitel 10 DOM FOR OBF OBT PRE prince Ventrue:3
9x Kestrelle Hayes 6 AUS dom for obt !Ventrue:5
9x Selena 6 AUS DOM THA !Tremere:3
8x Enkidu, The Noah 11 ANI CEL OBF POT PRO for !Gangrel:4
8x Stanislava 11 ANI CEL DOM FOR PRO inner circle Gangrel:2
6x Harrod 11 ANI CEL OBF POT aus pre inner circle Nosferatu:2
6x Echo 7 CEL OBF POT aus dom Nosferatu:4
6x Isabel Giovanni 5 DOM NEC pot Giovanni:2
5x Etrius 11 AUS DOM OBF THA pro inner circle Tremere:2
5x Ezmerelda 11 ANI CHI FOR PRE dom tha 2 votes Ravnos:2
5x Leandro 11 AUS OBF PRE cel dom inner circle Malkavian:2
5x Xaviar 10 ANI FOR PRO aus cel pot 2 votes Gangrel:3
5x Maris Streck 9 AUS OBF ani dem dom justicar Malkavian:3
5x Duality 6 AUS VIC ani Tzimisce:4
4x Eze, The Demon Pri 11 ANI NEC POT PRE THA aus magaji Guruhi:3
4x Gwendolyn 11 CEL FOR POT PRE aus tha inner circle Brujah:2
4x Saulot, The Wander 11 AUS FOR OBE THA VAL dai Salubri:4
4x Anatole, Prophet o 8 AUS DEM OBF dom for Malkavian:2
4x White Lily 8 DEM OBF cel dom for !Malkavian:4
4x Krassimir 7 POT TEM dom nec pre True Bruj:2
4x Hesha Ruhadze 6 SER ani obf pre Follower :2
4x Jimmy Dunn 4 CEL POT for Pander:2
3x Alexandra 11 ANI AUS CEL PRE dom inner circle Toreador:2
3x Elimelech the Twic 11 AUS DEM DOM FOR OBF pro !Ventrue:5
3x Hazimel 11 ANI AUS CHI FOR POT dem 2 votes Ravnos:4
3x Ur-Shulgi, The She 11 CEL DOM OBF QUI THA aus 2 votes Assamite:2
3x Carna, The Princes 7 AUS DOM THA primogen Tremere:3
3x Miriam Benyona 5 AUS for obe Salubri:2
3x Bobby Lemon 4 ANI pro Gangrel:3
2x Arika 11 DOM FOR OBF PRE aus cel inner circle Ventrue:2
2x Augustus Giovanni 11 AUS DOM NEC POT cel pre 2 votes Giovanni:2
2x Sha-Ennu 11 ANI AUS CHI VIC obf tha regent Tzimisce:4
2x Hannibal Adv 10 AUS DEM OBF cel dom cardinal !Malkavian:2
2x Nergal 10 AUS DAI FOR OBF PRE THA Baali:5
2x Nu, The Pillar 9 POT PRE TEM ani aus pro True Bruj:2
2x Anson 8 CEL PRE aus dom prince Toreador:1
2x Ian Forestal 8 AUS DOM THA !Tremere:2
2x Matthias 7 AUS FOR OBE nec Salubri:2
2x Le Dinh Tho 5 NEC aus dom Nagaraja:2
1x Sutekh, The Dark G 11 NEC OBF PRE SER cel pot 2 votes Follower :2
1x Helena Adv 10 AUS CEL DOM dai obf pre tha Toreador:3
1x Huitzilopochtli 10 AUS DAI DOM OBF POT PRE Baali:2
1x Lambach Adv 10 ANI AUS DOM VIC pre 2 votes Tzimisce:2
1x Baron, The 9 FOR NEC OBF THN dom 2 votes Samedi:2
1x Fatima al-Faqadi 8 CEL OBF QUI aus for Assamite:2
1x Kanimana Belghazi 7 AUS DOM NEC pro Nagaraja:2
1x Alan Sovereign Adv 6 AUS DOM for pre Ventrue:3
1x Blanche Hill 6 FOR OBE aus Salubri:2
1x Raful al-Zarqa 6 AUS dom nec obf Nagaraja:2
1x Barbaro Lucchese 5 dai obf pre tha Baali:3
1x Victor Pelletier 5 PRE cel dom for Ventrue:4
1x Mariana Gilbert 4 PRE cel Toreador:1
1x Dan Murdock 3 aus obf Caitiff:1
Dernière modification par Ismond le 11 novembre 2010, 08:05, modifié 3 fois.
Vente de decks
Messages : 133
Inscription : 26 février 2003, 14:40
Localisation : Paris

Message par Ismond »

Extraction des cartes rares (teaser inside).

Library [1743 cards]

Action [296]
2x Ablative Skin
1x Abomination
2x Anarch Secession
3x Aranthebes, The Immortal
2x Art Scam
1x Art's Traumatic Essence
1x Bauble
1x Bestow Vigor
4x Black Metamorphosis
5x Blessing of Chaos
2x Blessing of the Name
2x Bloodbath
2x Bujo
5x Call the Great Beast
3x Call, The
3x Cat Burglary
1x Celestial Harmony
1x Chair of Hades
1x Chill of Oblivion
1x Cleansing Ritual
2x Cloak of Blood
1x Coagulated Entity
1x Command the Legion
1x Community Justice
1x Conceal
1x Condemn the Sins of the Father
1x Condemnation: Betrayed
1x Condemnation: Doomed
1x Condemnation: Languid
1x Condemnation: Mute
4x Creation Rites
1x Defender of the Haven
3x Dismemberment of Osiris
3x Distant Friend
16x Distraction
9x Dominate Kine
2x Drink the Blood of Ahriman
4x Ecstatic Agony
2x Edge Vitiation
1x Emergency Powers
2x Engling Fury
3x Entrancement
1x Ex Nihilo
1x Fantasy World
18x Far Mastery
5x Fee Stake: Boston
1x Fee Stake: Los Angeles
5x Fee Stake: New York
1x Fee Stake: Perth
3x Fee Stake: Seattle
1x Fire on the Mountain
3x Fleecing the Gaje
5x Form of Corruption
2x Frozen Object
2x Gather
2x Ghost-Eater
1x Goblinism
1x Hatchling
2x Heart of the City
2x Hidden Pathways
3x Hourglass of the Mind
5x Intimidation
1x Kaymakli Barrier
4x Khabar: Loyalty
8x Kindred Intelligence
2x Liberty Club Intrigue
3x Lifeless Tongues
2x Lunatic Eruption
6x Magic of the Smith
1x Mantle of the Bestial Majesty
1x Masai Blood Milk
2x Masochism
3x Mesmerize
1x Mind of a Killer
2x Muricia's Call
1x Name Forgotten, The
3x New Management
1x Nightmare Curse
1x Nosferatu Bestial
2x Patagia: Flaps Allowing Limited Flight
2x Path of the Scorched Heart, The
2x Persistent Echo
1x Poison the Well of Life
8x Political Struggle
1x Portrait, The
2x Praetorian Backer
1x Precision
1x Preternatural Strength
2x Priority Shift
2x Prison of the Mind
4x Psychic Projection
6x Psychic Veil
6x Purity of the Beast
1x Putrescent Servitude
1x Resilient Mind
1x Restructure
1x Retain the Quick Blood
1x Return to Innocence, The
4x Ritual Challenge
1x Set's Curse
1x Shadow of Taint
2x Shared Nightmare
1x Sheepdog
1x Sibyl's Tongue
1x Soul Painting
2x Soul of the Earth
4x Speed of Thought
2x Status Perfectus, The
1x Steal the Mind
2x Sudario Refraction
2x Sunrise Service
1x Thanks for the Donation
1x Thin-Blooded Seer
6x Tier of Souls
1x Trainer
1x Travelers Obey the Tenets
1x Unburdening the Bestial Soul
3x Victim of Habit
1x Vulture's Buffet
1x Wildebeest, The
1x Wise Spider

Action Modifier [139]
3x Awe
2x Beast Meld
12x Blood Brother Ambush
3x Business Pressure
4x Conscripted Statue
1x Council of Seraphim
12x Daring the Dawn
6x Day Operation
3x Echo of Harmonies
1x Excellent Thirst
5x Follow the Alpha
18x Freak Drive
2x Gang Tactics
2x Grandest Trick, The
10x Kindred Manipulation
2x Lobotomy
1x Malleable Visage
4x Marked Path
1x Mirror's Visage
2x Neutral Guard
7x Perfect Clarity
3x Rebirth
2x Seraph's Second
5x Shroud Mastery
1x Siren's Lure
2x Strange Day
2x Tangle Atropos' Hand
22x Telepathic Vote Counting
1x Will-o'-the-Wisp

Action Modifier/Combat [16]
8x Deny
2x Draught of the Soul
1x Hide the Mind
5x Ritual of the Bitter Rose

Action Modifier/Reaction [8]
1x Eldest Are Kholo, The
7x Provision of the Silsila

Action/Combat [1]
1x Elemental Stoicism

Action/Reaction [4]
2x Consume the Dead
2x Purification

Ally [115]
4x Abyssal Hunter
7x Akhenaten, The Sun Pharaoh (Mummy)
1x Alia, God's Messenger
1x Amam the Devourer (Bane Mummy)
5x Ambrosius, The Ferryman (Wraith)
1x Ananasi Vampirephile
1x Asanbonsam Ghoul
3x Brigitte Gebauer (Wraith)
2x Cry Wolf
3x Dauntain Black Magician (Changeling)
1x Deviki Prasanta
3x Felix "Fix" Hessian (Wraith)
5x Ghouls of Plaza Moreria, The
4x Gregory Winter
1x Harzomatuili
2x Hellhound
2x High Top
2x Informant
1x Kherebutu (Bane Mummy)
4x Knights, The
3x Moise Kasavubu
6x Mylan Horseed (Goblin)
5x Nephandus (Mage)
1x Nephren-Ka
1x Ossian
2x Political Ally
1x Political Antagonist
4x Puppeteer (Wraith)
1x Qetu the Evil Doer (Bane Mummy)
4x Renegade Garou
1x Repo Man
2x Samuel Haight
3x Slashers, The
2x Succubus
7x Talaq, The Immortal
1x Terrorists
1x Thadius Zho, Mage
3x Tutu the Doubly Evil One (Bane Mummy)
6x War Ghoul
7x Wendell Delburton (Hunter)
1x Young Bloods

Combat [263]
1x Ashes to Ashes
4x Baal's Bloody Talons
2x Basilisk's Touch
20x Behind You!
3x Blood Agony
3x Blood of the Cobra
1x Bloodform
1x Body Flare
2x Bond with the Mountain
6x Breath of the Dragon
32x Burst of Sunlight
3x Chiram's Hold
1x Cobra Fangs
2x Conquer the Beast
3x Darkling Trickery
11x Disarm
3x Dust to Dust
6x Entombment
1x Eruption of Vitae
3x Expiate
1x Eyes of Blades
6x Fists of Death
25x Flesh of Marble
1x Free Fight
2x Immense Size
36x Immortal Grapple
1x Imposing Phantasm
2x Imprison
13x Lightning Reflexes
2x Liquefy the Mortal Coil
1x Magazine
1x Mask Empathy
18x Pulled Fangs
5x Quickness
1x Reality Mirror
3x Revelation of Wrath
4x Shadow Parasite
3x Shadow Step
1x Shared Strength
2x Shotgun Ritual
2x Silence of Death
4x Smite
4x Song in the Dark
1x Target Hand
1x Target Leg
6x Terror Frenzy
2x Tranquility
1x Up Yours!
5x Wave of Lethargy
1x Whistling Up the Beast

Combat/Reaction [16]
1x Denial of Aphrodite's Favor
5x Fata Amria
7x Reform Body
1x Shape Mastery
2x Summon Spirit Beast

Equipment [113]
1x AK-47
3x Aaron's Feeding Razor
1x Ambulance
2x Black Gloves
2x Chalice of Kinship
2x Changeling Skin Mask
1x Codex of the Damned
3x Crusader Sword, The
1x Delivery Truck
2x Drum of Xipe Totec
3x Enchanted Marionette
1x Erebus Mask
2x Flaming Candle
2x Guarded Rubrics
2x Heart of Nizchetus
2x Ivory Bow
4x Kali's Fang
1x Karavalanisha Vrana
2x Kduva's Mask
1x Living Manse
2x Living Wood Staff
7x Local 1111
2x Monocle of Clarity
1x RPG Launcher
3x Rowan Ring
1x Ruins of Ceoris
2x San Lorenzo de El Escorial, Spain
1x San Nicolas de los Servitas
2x Sargon Fragment, The
2x Seal of Veddartha
6x Sengir Dagger
2x Shilmulo Tarot
3x Signet of King Saul, The
2x Sire's Index Finger
2x Smoke Grenade
5x Sniper Rifle
4x Soul Gem of Etrius
1x Stolen Police Cruiser
14x Sword of Judgment
1x Sword of Nuln
1x Talbot's Chainsaw
1x Tapestry of Blood
2x Textbook Damnation, The
2x Treasured Samadji
6x Veneficorum Artum Sanguis

Event [44]
2x Absimiliard's Army
1x Becoming of Ennoia
3x Blood Cult Awareness Network
1x Blood Trade
4x Break the Code
1x Conquest of Humanity
3x Dr. Marisa Fletcher, CDC
2x Dragonbound
2x Edge Explosion
1x FBI Special Affairs Division
1x Fall of the Camarilla
2x Fall of the Sabbat
1x Fueled by Heart's Blood
1x Inconnu Tutelage
2x NSA Trio
1x Narrow Minds
1x New Inquisition, The
1x Nightmares upon Nightmares
1x Recalled to the Founder
4x Restricted Vitae
1x Rise of the Nephtali
1x Slow Withering, The
2x Thirst
1x Torpid Blood
1x Unmasking, The
1x Urban Jungle
1x Veil of Darkness
1x Wormwood

Master [417]
1x Aggressive Tactics
4x Al's Army Apparatus
4x Alamut
1x Anarch Railroad
6x Anarch Troublemaker
1x Ancestor Spirit
6x Arcane Library
1x Art Museum
3x Art of Pain, The
1x Bastille Opera House
5x Bay and Howl
1x Bestial Visage
2x Betrayer
1x Black Throne, The
1x Bleeding the Vine
4x Blood Puppy
1x Brothers Grimm
3x Cairo Int'l Airport
2x Carnivale
4x Carthage Remembered
2x Carver's Meat Packing and Storage
1x Cave of Apples
3x Census Taker
1x Centralized Background Check
2x Chanjelin Ward
3x Charisma
1x Children of Osiris
2x Church of Vindicated Faith, The
3x Church of the Order of St. Blaise
7x Club Zombie
2x Conductor
1x Coven, The
3x Cracking the Wall
6x Creepshow Casino
2x Crocodile Temple, The
2x Curse of Nitocris
1x Dia de los Muertos
1x Dis Pater
5x Dreams of the Sphinx
2x Drop Point Network
1x Elysium: Sforzesco Castle
3x Extremis Boon
1x Ferraille
1x Filchware's Pawn Shop
1x Fortschritt Library
4x Fragment of the Book of Nod
2x From a Sinking Ship
2x Gambit Accepted
1x Gang Territory
4x Giant's Blood
2x Glass Walker Pact
2x Glutton
8x Golconda: Inner Peace
4x Grand Temple of Set
1x Gurchon Hall
2x Haqim's Law: Judgment
2x Hostile Takeover
8x Infernal Pact
2x Information Network
4x Island of Yiaros
2x Jake Washington (Hunter)
4x Joseph Pander
1x Kaymakli Nightmares
2x Khobar Towers, Al-Khubar
3x Kindred Society Games
1x Kingston Penitentiary, Ontario
1x Kumpania
1x Last Stand
2x Lazarene Inquisitor
1x Leadership Vacuum
4x Left for Dead
6x Legacy of Caine
1x Lupine Assault
1x Maabara
8x Madness Network
6x Malkavian Prank
1x Malkavian Time Auction
1x Mbare Market, Harare
1x Millicent Smith, Puritan Vampire Hunter
1x Mistrust
1x Momentum's Edge
1x Monster
2x Nosferatu Kingdom
1x Oath of Loyalty
2x Obsession
2x Paragon
2x Paris Opera House
4x Path of Bone, The
2x Path of Death and the Soul
1x Path of Evil Revelations
1x Path of Lilith, The
2x Path of Paradox, The
1x Path of Retribution, The
2x Path of Tears, The
2x Personal Involvement
3x Power Structure
6x Powerbase: Barranquilla
2x Powerbase: Madrid
1x Powerbase: Montreal
1x Powerbase: Savannah
7x Protected Resources
2x Ravnos Carnival
5x Realm of the Black Sun, The
4x Redeem the Lost Soul
2x Redline
3x Regarhagan's Hold
1x Regenerative Blood
2x Rose Foundation, The
5x Ruins of Charizel
3x Secret Library of Alexandria, The
1x Shock Troops
1x Sight Beyond Sight
7x Slave Auction
7x Smiling Jack, The Anarch
1x Social Ladder
6x Society of Leopold
7x Spawning Pool, The
1x Specialization
1x Static Virtue
1x Succubus Club
1x Swiss Cut
4x Tajdid
8x Talons of the Dead
4x Temptation of Greater Power
11x Tension in the Ranks
3x Tomb of Rameses III
3x Tower of London
5x Toy Chest Test
1x Trophy: Clan Respect
2x Trophy: Diablerie
1x Trophy: Discipline
2x Trophy: Domain
1x Trophy: Hunting Ground
1x Trophy: Library
2x Trophy: Progeny
2x Trophy: Retainers
1x Trophy: Revered
1x Trophy: Safe Passage
1x Trophy: Wealth
1x True Faith
1x Twisted Forest
4x Unity
3x Using the Advantage
2x Vampiric Disease
7x Vicissitude Poisoning
3x Vigil: The Thin Line
4x Visit from the Capuchin
3x Vox Domini
2x WMRH Talk Radio
1x Watchtower: Chosen are Called
2x Watchtower: Four Ride Forth
4x Watchtower: The Wolves Feed
2x Weeping Stone
6x XTC-Laced Blood
1x Yoruba Shrine
6x Zoning Board

Political Action [158]
6x Alastor
1x Blood Siege
1x Brinksmanship
5x Camarilla Threat
1x Code of Milan Suspended
8x Crusade: Barcelona
1x Crusade: Berlin
1x Crusade: Brussels
2x Crusade: Chicago
4x Crusade: Detroit
1x Crusade: Dublin
1x Crusade: Frankfurt
1x Crusade: Houston
1x Crusade: Istanbul
2x Crusade: London
7x Crusade: Mexico City
2x Crusade: Miami
4x Crusade: New York
1x Crusade: Paris
4x Crusade: Philadelphia
12x Crusade: Pittsburgh
5x Crusade: Rome
4x Crusade: Toronto
2x Cunctator Motion
1x Eldest Command Undeath, The
4x First Tradition: The Masquerade
3x Gangrel Justicar
1x High Stakes
1x Legacy of Pander
2x Malkavian Justicar
2x Might of the Camarilla
4x National Guard Support
2x Nosferatu Justicar
1x Praxis Seizure: Athens
3x Praxis Seizure: Atlanta
2x Praxis Seizure: Boston
2x Praxis Seizure: Chicago
2x Praxis Seizure: Cleveland
1x Praxis Seizure: Dallas
5x Praxis Seizure: Houston
2x Praxis Seizure: Istanbul
5x Praxis Seizure: Miami
1x Praxis Seizure: Washington, D.C.
2x Protect Thine Own
7x Reinforcements
4x Rumors of Gehenna
1x Secret Must Be Kept, The
5x Tithings
4x Toreador Justicar
2x Transfer of Power
2x Tremere Justicar
5x Tribunal Judgment
2x Ventrue Justicar
3x Watchtower: Greatest Fall

Power [20]
4x Abjure
2x Champion
2x Foresee
4x Hide
3x Inspire
2x Project
3x Surge

Reaction [52]
1x Bind the Night-Walker
9x Cardinal Sin: Failure of Mission
4x Elder Michaelis's Hold
2x Follow the Blood
3x Gestalt
1x Hard Case
2x Iron Heart
6x Melange
8x My Enemy's Enemy
2x Rewind Time
2x Set's Call
2x Undying Thirst
10x Vendetta

Reaction/Combat [6]
4x Abandoning the Flesh
2x Crimson Fury

Retainer [75]
3x Charnas the Imp
3x Dog Pack
3x Ghoul Escort
2x Ghoul Messenger
4x Ghoul Retainer
3x Infernal Familiar
13x J. S. Simmons, Esq.
4x Jackie Therman
17x Mr. Winthrop
3x Murder of Crows
2x Redcap Wilder
6x Robert Carter
2x Shaman
4x Stone Dog
6x Tasha Morgan

Crafted with : Anarch Revolt Deck Builder. [Mon Nov 08 08:37:14 2010]
Vente de decks
Messages : 133
Inscription : 26 février 2003, 14:40
Localisation : Paris

Message par Ismond »

Voici la liste complète:

Liste ELDB - Inventory
Aabbt Kindred 6
Aaron Bathurst 3
Aaron Duggan, Cameron's Toady 2
Abd al-Rashid 4
Abdelsobek 2
Abebe 2
Accorri Giovanni 3
Adelaide Davis 2
Adhiambo 5
Adonai 1
Adrianne 5
Aeron 2
Afifa, The Herald 2
Agaitas, The Scholar of Antiquities 7
Agatha 3
Agrippina 3
Agru Kabera 3
Ahmose Chambers 2
Aimee Laroux 2
Aisha 5
Aisling Sturbridge 6
Aiyana, The Wolfcatcher 2
Akram 4
Aksinya Daclau 3
Al-Ashrad, Amr of Alamut 5
Al-Muntaquim, The Avenger 3
Alan Sovereign (ADV) 1
Alan Sovereign 6
Alejandro Aguirre 7
Aleph 3
Alessandro Garcia 4
Alexandra 3
Alexis Sorokin 9
Alfred Benezri (ADV) 4
Alfred Benezri 3
Ali Kar 4
Alicia Barrows 4
Allison Maller 7
Allonzo Montoya 7
Almiro Suarez 4
Almodo Giovanni 5
Alonzo Guillen 3
Alu 3
Alvaro, The Scion of Angelica 5
Amadeo 6
Amaravati 2
Amavi 4
Ambrogino Giovanni (ADV) 5
Ambrogino Giovanni 8
Amelia 12
Amelia, The Blood Red Tears 5
Amenophobis 3
Amisa 3
Ana Rita Montana 2
Anastasia Grey 2
Anastasz di Zagreb 10
Anatole, Prophet of Gehenna 4
Andrea Giovanni 4
Andreas, The Bard of Crete 2
Andrei Puxon 7
Andrew Emory 5
Angel 8
Angela Decker 3
Angela Preston 6
Angelica, The Canonicus 6
Angus the Unruled 4
Anisa Marianna Lopez 1
Anjalika Underwood 3
Anka, Priestess of Thorns 7
Ankh-sen-Sutekh 7
Ankla Hotep 4
Anna 'Dictatrix11' Suljic 7
Annabelle Triabell 3
Anneke 3
Anson 2
Antara 8
Antoinette DuChamp 6
Antoinette Dubois 4
Antoinette, She Who Watches 5
Anton 10
Antonino 3
Antonio Delgado 10
Antonio Veradas 2
Antonio d'Erlette 3
Anvil 4
Anwar 6
Apache Jones 8
Appius Claudius Corvus 3
Appolonius 5
Ardan Lane 6
Aredhel 2
Aren, Priest of Eshu 4
Arianne, The Conqueror 3
Arika 2
Aristotle de Laurent 7
Armin Brenner 8
Arnold Simpson 4
Arnulf Jormungandrsson 2
Ash Harrison 6
Assad Salhoum 3
Astrid Thomas 3
Augustus Giovanni 2
Aurora Van Brande, Paladin 6
Axel Von Anders 4
Ayelea, The Manipulator 2
Ayo Igoli 4
Azaneal 8
Aziz, Dammar of Istanbul 8
Babalawo Alafin 3
Badger 3
Badr al-Budur 6
Bajazet al-Nasir 7
Bakr 2
Baldesar Rossellini 4
Banjoko 3
Barbaro Lucchese 1
Baron, The 3
Barry 4
Barth 9
Bartholomew 8
Basil 3
Basilia 2
Basir 4
Batsheva 4
Bear Paw 4
Beast, The Leatherface of Detroit 6
Beatrice 'Oracle171' Tremblay 8
Beatrice L'Angou 5
Beauregard Krueller 8
Beckett (ADV) 5
Beckett 3
Bela Kardoza 3
Benedict Giovanni, Agent 5
Bianca 4
Bill Butler 2
Billy 3
Bindusara, Historian of the Kindred 6
Black Annis 7
Black Cat 3
Black Lotus 6
Black Wallace 7
Blackhorse Tanner 3
Blaise 4
Blanche Hill 1
Blister 2
Bloodfeud 4
Blythe Candeleria 3
Bobby Lemon 3
Boss Callihan 3
Bothwell 4
Boy Toy 2
Brachah 4
Brazil 3
Bronwen 12
Brooke 2
Bruce de Guy 3
Brunhilde 3
Bryan Van Duesen 2
Bupe Kuila 3
Cagliostro, The Grand Copht 4
Cailean 6
Caitlin 3
Calebos 4
Calebros, The Martyr 6
Caliban 3
Callirus 3
Cameron 6
Camille Devereux, The Raven 3
Cardano 5
Carlotta Giovanni 11
Carmen 10
Carmine Giovanni 5
Carna, The Princess Witch 3
Caroline Bishops 3
Carter 3
Casino Reeds 5
Cassandra, Magus Prime 4
Catherine du Bois 8
Cedric 2
Celeste Lamontagne 2
Celeste, The Voice of a Secret 4
Celine Chevalier 8
Cesewayo 4
Chandler Hungerford 4
Charice Fontaigne 4
Charlie Tyne 4
Chas Giovanni Tello 6
Chavi Oraczko 2
Chester DuBois 6
Christanius Lionel, The Mad Chronicler 7
Christine Boscacci 2
Christopher Houghton 2
Cicatriz 4
Claven 3
Clea Auguste d'Holford 3
Cock Robin 6
Cohn Rose 13
Colin Flynn 2
Colonel, The 2
Conrad Adoula 4
Constanza Vinti 9
Corine Marcon 5
Cornelius Ottavio 5
Count Germaine (ADV) 11
Count Ormonde 5
Count Vladimir Rustovitch 5
Courtland Leighton 6
Creamy Jade 5
Cristobal Ghiberti 5
Cristofero Giovanni 8
Cristos Mantigo 3
Crusher 3
Cybele 9
Cynthia Ingold 2
Cyscek 2
Daliyah 8
Damaskenos, Herald of Leandro 3
Dame Hollerton 3
Dan Murdock 1
Dancin' Dana 6
Dani 2
Danielle Diron 4
Danny Larkshill 7
Darius Styx 6
Darrell Boyce, Consul 4
Darva Felispa 6
Darvag, The Butcher of Rus 2
David Morgan, The Scourge 8
DeSalle 2
Dedefra 5
Dela Eden 4
Delilah Easton 2
Delilah Monroe 9
Demdemeh 4
Demetrius Slater 5
Democritus 6
Denette Stensen 4
Devin Bisley 11
Devyn 5
Diana Vick 9
Didi Meyers 3
Diego Giovanni 3
Dieter Kleist 3
Dimple 3
Djuhah, The Bronze Bow 2
Doctor Streck 2
Dodd 12
Dolie 4
Dollface 4
Dolphin Black 6
Dominique (ADV) 3
Dominique 7
Dominique Santo Paulo 2
Don Cruez, The Idealist 3
Don Michael Antonio Giovanni 6
Donal O'Connor 8
Donatello Giovanni 3
Donatien 5
Dorian Strack 2
Doris McMillon 6
Doyle Fincher 4
Dr. Allan Woodstock 3
Dr. Douglas Netchurch 8
Dr. Jest 3
Dr. John Casey 4
Dr. Julius Sutphen (ADV) 3
Dr. Julius Sutphen 3
Dr. Morrow, The Skindoctor 4
Dragos 7
Dre, Leader of the Cold Dawn 6
Droescher One-Eye 4
Drusilla Euphemia 2
Duality 5
Duck 4
Dylan (ADV) 4
Dylan 6
Earl 9
Earl 'Shaka74' Deams 8
Ebanezer Roush 4
Echo 6
Eddie Gaines 3
Edith Blount 4
Edward Neally 4
Edward Vignes 7
Effie Lowery 4
Egothha 5
Ehrich Weiss 7
Elena Gutierrez 7
Elena Mendoza Vasquez 3
Elihu 5
Elimelech the Twice-Damned 3
Eliott Sinclair, Virtuoso Thespian 5
Elisabetta Romano 4
Elizabeth Westcott 7
Ellen Fence, the Tracker 3
Ellison Humboldt 5
Ember Wright 2
Emerson Bridges 3
Emerson Wilkershire III 5
Enid Blount 3
Enkidu, The Noah 8
Enzo Giovanni, Pentex Board of Directors 7
Eric Kressida 1
Eric Milliner 2
Erichtho 5
Erick 'Shophet125' Franco 10
Erinyi 3
Esau 5
Esoara 8
Ethan Locke 2
Etienne Fauberge 2
Etrius 5
Eugenio Estevez 5
Eurayle Gelasia Mylonas 2
Evan Klein 5
Evangeline 4
Eze, The Demon Prince 4
Ezekiel, Lord of Montreal 1
Ezmerelda 5
Fabrizia Contreraz 3
Fahd al-Zawba'a 3
Fairuza 6
Falhu Shibaba 3
Faruq 3
Father Juan Carlos 8
Fatima al-Faqadi 1
Felicia Mostrom 3
Feo Ramos 5
Ferox, The Rock Lord (ADV) 4
Ferox, The Rock Lord 2
Fida'i 11
Fidus, The Shrunken Beast 4
Fish 5
Fleurdumal 5
Francesca Giovanni 6
Francisco Domingo de Polonia 3
Franciscus 4
Francois 'Warden' Loehr 9
Francois Villon 4
Frank Litzpar 3
Frederick the Weak 16
Frere Marc 3
Frondator 4
Gabriel de Cambrai 1
Gabrin 6
Gael Pilet 1
Ganesh 2
Ganhuru 4
Gaspare Giovanni 9
Gatjil Munyarryun 6
Gemini 7
General Perfidio Dios 10
Genevieve 2
Gengis 12
Gentha Shale 2
George Frederick 9
Gerard 7
Gerard Rafin 7
Gharston Roland 2
Ghivran Dalaal, The Dead God 7
Giangaleazzo, The Traitor 2
Gianmaria Giovanni 1
Gideon Fontaine 5
Gilbert Duane 4
Gillespi Giovanni 7
Gillian Krader 2
Giotto Verducci 3
Giovanni del Georgio 2
Gisela Harden, The Winnower 2
Gitane St. Claire 4
Giuliano Vincenzi 4
Gloria Giovanni 7
Goratrix (ADV) 4
Goratrix 5
Gracis Nostinus 7
Gratiano 8
Gravitnir 4
Greensleeves 2
Greger Anderssen 9
Grendel the Worm-Eaten 6
Greta Kircher 2
Gualtiero Ghiberti 4
Guedado 4
Guido Lucciano 3
Guillermo Arsuaga 4
Gunther, Beast Lord 2
Gustav Mallenhous 8
Gustavo Morales 4
Gwen Brand 2
Gwendolyn 4
Haakon Mortensen 8
Hadrian Garrick 7
Hafsa, The Watcher 2
Hagar Stone 2
Hanna Redmonds 4
Hannibal (ADV) 2
Hannibal 8
Hannigan 7
Harika Guljan 5
Harold Zettler, Pentex Director 4
Harrod 6
Harry Reese 6
Hartmut Stover 7
Hasani 4
Hasina Kesi 2
Hazimel 3
Heather Florent, The Opportunist 6
Hector Sosa 3
Hector Trelane 3
Heinrick Schlempt 2
Hektor 8
Helena (ADV) 1
Helena 5
Helena Casimir 5
Henri Lavenant 3
Henry Taylor 3
Hermana Hambrienta Mayor 7
Hermana Hambrienta Menor 6
Hesha Ruhadze 4
Hester Reed 3
Hezekiah Rutledge 4
High Priest Angra Mainyu 6
Homa 2
Honorine Ateba 4
Horatio 10
Horatio Ballard 6
Horrock 3
Howler 3
Hrothulf 7
Huang, Blood Cultist 5
Hugo 12
Huitzilopochtli 1
Hukros 4
Humo 1
Husamettin 4
Ian Forestal 2
Ian Wallingford 2
Ibn Khaldun, Scholar 3
Icarus, The Manchurian 1
Idalia, Prophet of Guadalajara 3
Idrissa 3
Ignacio, The Black Priest 10
Ignatius 3
Ignazio Giovanni 4
Igo the Hungry 3
Iliana 5
Ilias cel Frumos 4
Ilse 3
Ilyana Ravidovich 8
Imogen 2
Inez 'Nurse216' Villagrande 11
Ingram Frizer 2
Ingrid Rossler 4
Ingrid Russo 7
Iniko, The Black Lion 4
Intisar 5
Ira Rivers 7
Isabel Giovanni 6
Isabel de Leon 4
Ismitta 4
Isouda de Blaise 4
Itzahk Levine 6
Ivan Krenyenko 9
Izhim abd Azrael 3
J. Oswald 'Ozzy' Hyde-White 4
Jack 4
Jack 'Hannibal137' Harmon 9
Jack Dawson (ADV) 3
Jack Dawson 1
Jackie 3
Jacko 3
Jacob Bragg 12
Jacob, The Glitch 4
Jaggedy Andy 3
Jalal Sayad 9
Jalan-Aajav 4
Jamal 2
Jan Pieterzoon (ADV) 3
Jan Pieterzoon 8
Jane Sims 10
Janey Pickman 6
Janine 4
Janni 4
Jara Drory 6
Jaroslav Pascek 9
Javier Montoya 3
Jayakumar 2
Jayne Jonestown 3
Jazz Wentworth 3
Jeffrey Mullins 8
Jennie 'Cassie247' Orne 6
Jennifer 'Flame61' Vidisania 6
Jephta Hester 5
Jeremiah Noble 2
Jeremy MacNeil (ADV) 3
Jeremy MacNeil 12
Jeremy Talbot 1
Jerry 2
Jesse Menks 3
Jessica (ADV) 2
Jessica 3
Jesus Alcala 8
Jezebelle 3
Jibade el-Bahrawi 4
Jimmy Dunn 4
Jing Wei 2
Joaquin Murietta 3
Joaquina Amaya 4
Joe 'Boot' Hill 7
Johann Matheson 2
John 'Cop90' O'Malley 12
John Paleologus 5
Jonathan Gursel 2
Jorge De La Muerte, The Agent 7
Josef 2
Joseph Cambridge 4
Joseph O'Grady 3
Joshua Tarnopolski 4
Jost Werner 2
Juan Cali 11
Juanita Santiago 3
Jubal 3
Judah 3
Juggler 9
Julia Prima 2
Julian Sanders 7
Julio Martinez 4
Julius 3
Justine Chen, Innocent 2
Justine, Elder of Dallas 2
Kabede Maru 2
Kahina the Sorceress 4
Kai Simmons 4
Kalinda 4
Kallista, Master Sculptor 5
Kamaria 5
Kamau Jafari 4
Kamiri wa Itherero 4
Kanimana Belghazi 1
Kanya Akhtar 3
Karl 3
Karsh 3
Kassiym Malikhair 4
Katarina 5
Katarina Kornfeld 5
Katherine Stoddard 4
Kay Polerno 2
Kazimir Savostin 4
Keith Moody 2
Kemintiri (ADV) 4
Kemintiri 5
Kendrick 2
Kenyatta 4
Kephamos, High Priest of Marrakech 3
Kervos, The Lieutenant 5
Kestrelle Hayes 9
Khalid 7
Khalil Anvari 5
Khalil Ravana 2
Khalu 4
Khay'tall, Snake of Eden 8
Kij Dansky 2
Kikiyaon, The 4
Kite 7
Klaus Konrecht 1
Klaus van der Veken 4
KoKo 5
Konrad Fleischer 1
Korah 5
Kostantin, Baro of the Caravan 5
Krassimir 4
Krid 5
Kurt Densch 7
Kurt Strauss 2
Kyle Strathcona, Cardinal of Canada 10
Kyoko Shinsegawa 7
L'Epuisette 6
Lachlan, Noddist 2
Ladislas Toth, The Torch 6
Lady Zara Slatikov 10
Laika 10
Lalitha 4
Lambach (ADV) 1
Lambach 9
Lana Butcher 4
Langa 3
Larry 2
Laurent de Valois 3
Lazar Dobrescu 5
Lazarus (ADV) 4
Lazarus 5
Lazarus James 3
Lazverinus, Thrall of Lambach 9
Le Dinh Tho 2
Leaf 'Potter116' Pankowski 10
Leandro 5
Lectora 5
Leila Monroe 1
Lena Rowe 2
Leo Washington 2
Leon 2
Lernean 2
Lia Milliner 2
Lille Haake 6
Lisa Noble 4
Lisette Vizquel 6
Lithrac 2
Little Tailor of Prague 3
Little Willie 4
Liz 'Ticket312' Thornton 6
Lolita 2
Lolita Houston 5
Loonar 3
Lord Aaron Wesley Wilkshire 3
Lord Ashton 3
Lord Vauxhall 2
Lorenzo Detuono 2
Lorrie Dunsirn 6
Louhi 7
Lubomira Hradok 6
Luc 2
Luca Italicus 2
Lucas Halton 17
Luccia Paciola 3
Lucian 2
Lucina 3
Lucinde, Alastor 3
Lucita (ADV) 3
Lucita 7
Lucretia, Cess Queen 3
Lucubratio 8
Lucy Markowitz 5
Lukas 3
Luke Fellows 4
Lula Burch 4
Luma, Stone Beauty 2
Lumumba 4
Luna Giovanni 3
Lupe 'Cabbie22' Droin 6
Lupo 4
Luther 4
Lydia Van Cuelen 4
Macoute 4
Madame Guil 9
Magdelena Schaefer 8
Makarios, The Seducer 6
Malabranca 3
Maldavis 1
Malgorzata 4
Maman Boumba 8
Marcel de Breau 7
Marcellus 4
March Halcyon 7
Marcia Felicia Licinia 2
Marciana Giovanni, Investigator 6
Marconius 1
Marcus Vitel (ADV) 6
Marcus Vitel 14
Margarite 1
Marge Khan 8
Maria Stone (ADV) 3
Maria Stone 6
Mariana Gilbert 1
Marianna 5
Mariano Pomposo 3
Marie Faucigny 1
Mariel, Lady Thunder 7
Marino Reymundo Vasquez 4
Mario Giovanni 10
Marion 'Teacher193' Perks 7
Marion French 5
Maris Streck 5
Mark 5
Marlena 6
Marlene, The Infernalist 8
Marta 2
Marthe Dizier 2
Martin Franckel 3
Marty Lechtansi 4
Mary Johnson 4
Mary the Black 4
Masika 4
Masika St. John 6
Maskini 4
Massassi 2
Mata Hari 10
Matata 4
Mateusz Gryzbowsky 5
Matteus, Flesh Sculptor 2
Matthew Romans 3
Matthias 2
Maureen, Dark Priestess 8
Max Lowell 5
Maxwell 7
Mazz 4
Melek 6
Melinda Galbraith 2
Melinda Galbraith (ADV) 3
Melisande 6
Melissa Barton 3
Menele 12
Meno Ngari 4
Mercy, Knight Inquisitor 2
Merrill Molitor 4
Meshenka 6
Michael Luther 4
Michael diCarlo 11
Midget 3
Miguel Santo Domingo 3
Miller Delmardigan, Teacher of Bahari 6
Milo, The Invisible Horror 6
Mina Grotius 2
Miranda Sanova 5
Mirembe Kabbada 5
Miriam Benyona 3
Misrak 4
Mitchell, The Headhunter 6
Mitru the Hunter 11
Monique 2
Monique Kim 3
Monty Coven 3
Morrow the Sage 3
Mosfair 2
Mouse 7
Mowgli 5
Mr. Noir 5
Muaziz, Archon of Ulugh Beg 4
Mugur Sabau 1
Muhandis 2
Muhsin Samir 7
Mukhtar Bey 2
Murat 5
Muricia 4
Muriel Foucade 4
Muse 3
Mustafa Rahman 4
Mustafa, The Heir 4
Nadima 4
Nahir 3
Nails 3
Nakova, Advocate of Golconda 4
Nangila Were 4
Natalia 8
Natasha Volfchek 5
Navar McClaren 4
Nedal, The Careless 2
Nefertiti 7
Neferu 5
Nehemiah 4
Nehsi 5
Neighbor John 2
Nepata 6
Nergal 2
Nettie Hale 5
Nigel the Shunned 3
Nik 5
Nikolaus Vermeulen 6
Nizzam al-Latif 5
Nkechi 1
Nkule Galadima 3
Normal 8
Nostoket 3
Nu, The Pillar 2
Obsidian 6
Ogwon 2
Ohanna 2
Old Neddacka 4
Olga Triminov 4
Oliver Thrace 4
Olivia 2
Omaya 7
Omme Enberbenight 3
Onaedo 4
Ondine 'Boudicca' Sinclair 5
Orlando Oriundus 1
Otieno 5
Owain Evans, The Wanderer 2
Ox, Viceroy of the Hollows 5
Ozmo 8
Panagos Levidis 3
Panya, The Wicked 1
Paolo Sardenzo 2
Papa Legba 2
Pariah 4
Parmenides 5
Parnassus 4
Patrick 2
Patrizia Giovanni, Collector of Secrets 6
Paul 'Sixofswords29' Moreton 11
Paul Cordwood 8
Paul DiCarlo, The Alpha 11
Paul Forrest, False Prophet 4
Paulo de Castille 2
Pedro Cortez 9
Pentweret 3
Persephone Tar-Anis 8
Persia, The Beautiful Statue 5
Petaniqua 9
Petaniqua (ADV) 9
Peter 'Outback295' Rophail 8
Peter Blaine 4
Petra 3
Petru Sipos 3
Phaedyme 2
Phagian 3
Pherydima 3
Phillipe Rigaud 9
Pieter 2
Pieter van Dorn 7
Piotr Andreikov 3
Pochtli 7
Porphyrion 3
Prejudice 3
Pug Jackson 10
Pugfar 3
Qadir ul-Ghani 7
Queen Anne 3
Quentin 11
Quentin King III (ADV) 3
Quentin King III 3
Qufur am-Heru 5
Quincy, The Trapper 3
Quinton McDonnell 5
Quira, The Bitch Queen 2
Rabbat, The Sewer Goddess 3
Rachel Brandywine 9
Radeyah 4
Radu Bistri 10
Rafaele Giovanni 1
Raful al-Zarqa 1
Rain 4
Rake 5
Ramiel DuPre 7
Ramiro 6
Ramona (ADV) 3
Ramona 6
Randel, The Coward 1
Ranjan Rishi, Camarilla Scholar 7
Ransam, The Old Man 5
Raphael Catarari 2
Raphaela Giovanni 7
Rashid Stockton 6
Rashiel 3
Raziya Samater 4
Rebekka, Chantry Elder of Munich 6
Redbone McCray 4
Reg Driscoll 3
Regilio, The Seeker of Akhenaten 6
Regina Giovanni, The Right Hand of Augustus 9
Remilliard, Devout Crusader 4
Reverend Blackwood 2
Reverend Djoser Jones 5
Rex, The Necronomist 2
Reza Fatir, The Dark Angel 3
Richard Tauber, Ayelea's Puppet 2
Richter, The Templar of Du Mont 14
Ricki Van Demsi 5
Rico Loco 2
Rigby, Crusade Vanguard 15
Robin Withers 4
Rocia 3
Roderick Phillips March 2
Rodolfo 8
Rodrigo 1
Roger Farnsworth 2
Roland Bishop 6
Roland Loussarian 4
Roman Alexander 4
Roreca Quaid 4
Rosa Martinez 3
Rose, The 3
Rosemarie 3
Roxanne, Rectrix of the 13th Floor 7
Royce 2
Rudolfo Giovanni 8
Rufina Soledad 3
Ruth McGinley 8
Ryder 5
Ryszard 1
Sabine Lafitte 5
Sabrina 1
Sadie 3
Sahira Siraj 4
Saiz 2
Sajid al Misbah 3
Salbatore Bokkengro 5
Salinger 15
Samantha 4
Samat Ramal-Ra, Archon 4
Sammy 6
Samson 1
Sandra White 3
Sanjo 4
Saqqaf, Keeper of the Grand Temple of Set 5
Sarah Brando 12
Sarah Cobbler 3
Sarah Raines 2
Sargon 4
Sarisha Veliku 2
Sarrasine 8
Sascha Vykos, The Angel of Caine 8
Sasha Miklos 9
Saul Meira 5
Saulot, The Wanderer 4
Saxum, Master of Slaves 3
Sayshila 1
Scarlet Carson O'Toole 6
Schuyler 4
Sebastian Goulet (ADV) 3
Sebastian Goulet 4
Sebastian Marley 5
Sela (ADV) 3
Sela 12
Selena 9
Selma the Repugnant 4
Sennadurek 5
Sennuwy, The Promoter 8
Seren Sukardi 6
Servius Marius Pustula 3
Seterpenre 2
Sha-Ennu 2
Shaggydog 6
Shahid 3
Shane Grimald 2
Shannon Price, the Whisperer 7
Shasa Abu Badr 5
Shawnda Dorrit 8
Sheila Mezarin 3
Sheldon, Lord of the Clog 4
Shemti 1
Siamese, The 7
Sigrid Bekker 3
Silvia Giovanni 7
Sir Henry Johnson 9
Sir Marriot D'Urban 7
Sir Ralph Hamilton 4
Sir Walter Nash 5
Sisocharis 3
Sister Evelyn 4
Skidmark 7
Skryta Zyleta 6
Smallpox Griet 3
Smash 4
Smudge the Ignored 6
Sobayifa 4
Soldat 4
Solomon Batanea 1
Sonja Blue 8
Sophia Watson 4
Spider 3
Spider-Killer 5
Spiridonas 4
Spleen, Georgio Gutterpunk 7
Stanislava 8
Stavros 3
Stefano Giovanni 11
Stephen Bateson 6
Stephen Milliner 2
Steve Booth 14
Stick 4
Stravinsky 7
Suhailah 5
Sukainah 3
Sundown 3
Sutekh, The Dark God 1
Suzanne Kadim 6
Sylvester Simms 2
Szechenyi Jolan, Mother of Horrors 2
Tabitha Fisk 4
Talley, the Hound 4
Tammy Walenski 3
Tangine 3
Tansu Bekir 4
Tarbaby Jack 4
Tariq, The Silent (ADV) 4
Tariq, The Silent 5
Tatiana Romanov 5
Tatiana Stepanova, Alastor 6
Tatu Sawosa 4
Tayshawn Kearns 7
Tears, The Dark Pierrot 1
Tegyrius, Vizier (ADV) 1
Tegyrius, Vizier 5
Teresita, The Godmother 7
Tereza Rostas 3
Terrell Harding 2
Terrence 7
Terrifisto 3
Terry 3
Thelonius 2
Theo Bell (ADV) 3
Theo Bell 6
Theron 8
Thetmes, Caliph of Alamut 4
Thomas Steed, The Angry 4
Thomas Thorne 7
Thomasso Ghiberti 3
Tiberius, The Scandalmonger 4
Timothy Crowley 4
Titus Camille 2
Tobias Smith 6
Tock 2
Tom 2
Tommy 4
Tony 5
Torvus Bloodbeard 2
Travis 'Traveler72' Miller 10
Troglodytia 4
Truman 2
Tsigane 6
Tsunda 4
Tupdog 5
Tura Vaughn 2
Tusk, The Talebearer (ADV) 3
Tusk, The Talebearer 4
Tyler 6
Ubende 4
Ublo-Satha 4
Uchenna 4
Ugadja 4
Ulrike Rothbart 3
Ulugh Beg, The Watcher 4
Uma Hatch 8
Una 2
Uncle George 7
Unre, Keeper of Golgotha 2
Ur-Shulgi, The Shepherd 3
Urenna Bunu 4
Uriah Winter 6
Urraca 8
Uta Kovacs 8
Uzoma 9
Vaclav Petalengro 6
Valerius Maior, Hell's Fool 8
Valerius Maior, Hell's Fool (ADV) 9
Valois Sang, The Watcher 4
Vanessa 7
Vardar Vardarian 5
Vasantasena 4
Vasilis, The Traitor of Don Cruez 4
Vasiliy Vasilevich 3
Vedel Esbreno 5
Velya, The Flayer 4
Venere Carboni 2
Victor Pelletier 1
Victor Revell, Loyalist 2
Victor Tolliver 12
Victoria 7
Victoria Ash 6
Victorine Lafourcade 5
Vincent Day, Paladin and Paragon 7
Violet Tremain 7
Violette Prentiss 6
Virgil 2
Virginie, Prodigy 2
Virstania, The Great Mother 4
Vittorio Giovanni 9
Vliam Andor 3
Volker, The Puppet Prince 6
Wah Chun-Yuen 2
Wamukota 4
Watenda 3
Wendy Wade 5
White Lily 4
Wilhelm Waldburg 7
William Biltmore 9
Wolf Valentine 4
Wolfgang 9
Wren 4
Wynn 4
Xaviar 5
Xendil Charmer 2
Xian 'DziDzat155' Quan 10
Yasmin the Black 4
Yavu Matebo 2
Yazid Tamari 3
Yitzak 4
Yong-Sun, Harmonist (ADV) 5
Yong-Sun, Harmonist 1
Yorik 2
Ysador the Foul 3
Yseult 2
Yuri Kerezenski 10
Yuri, The Talon 3
Yusuf, Scribe of Alamut 7
Yvette, The Hopeless 5
Zachary 2
Zack North 5
Zahir, Hand of the Silsila 8
Zayyat, The Sandstorm 3
Zebulon 3
Zhara 4
Zhenga 4
Zip 4
Zoe 4
Zubeida 6
Zygodat 5
.44 Magnum 34
AK-47 1
Aaron's Feeding Razor 3
Abandoning the Flesh 4
Abjure 4
Ablative Skin 2
Abombwe 8
Abomination 1
Absimiliard's Army 2
Absolution of the Diabolist 7
Absorb the Mind 16
Abyssal Hunter 4
Academic Hunting Ground 8
Aching Beauty 7
Acquired Ventrue Assets 7
Acrobatics 42
Admonitions, The 7
Agent of Power 6
Aggressive Tactics 1
Ahriman's Demesne 6
Ahrimane Protectorate 4
Aid from Bats 28
Aire of Elation 28
Akhenaten, The Sun Pharaoh (Mummy) 7
Akunanse Kholo 2
Al's Army Apparatus 4
Alacrity 32
Alamut 4
Alastor 6
Alia, God's Messenger 1
Alpha Glint 12
Amam the Devourer (Bane Mummy) 1
Amaranth 15
Ambrosius, The Ferryman (Wraith) 5
Ambulance 1
Ambush 57
Amria 20
Amusement Park Hunting Ground 19
Anachronism 5
Ananasi Vampirephile 1
Anarch Free Press, The 8
Anarch Railroad 1
Anarch Revolt 24
Anarch Salon 20
Anarch Secession 2
Anarch Troublemaker 6
Anarchist Uprising 19
Anathema 19
Ancestor Spirit 1
Ancestor's Insight 13
Ancestor's Talisman, The 6
Ancient Influence 27
Ancilla Empowerment 24
Anesthetic Touch 7
Angel of Berlin 15
Anima Gathering 12
Animal Magnetism 10
Animalism 21
Ankara Citadel, Turkey, The 9
Antediluvian Awakening 9
Anthelios, The Red Star 4
Antithesis 17
Apparition 5
Apportation 59
Approximation of Loyalty 10
Aranthebes, The Immortal 3
Arcane Library 6
Arcanum Chapterhouse, Alexandria 6
Arcanum Investigator 2
Archon 21
Archon Investigation 13
Armor of Caine's Fury 5
Armor of Vitality 5
Arms Dealer 6
Arms of the Abyss 30
Army of Apparitions 6
Army of Rats 23
Arson 22
Art Museum 1
Art Scam 2
Art of Memory, The 4
Art of Pain, The 3
Art's Traumatic Essence 1
Artistically Inept 3
Asanbonsam Ghoul 1
Ascendance 14
Ashes to Ashes 1
Assault Rifle 7
Asylum Hunting Ground 15
Atonement 12
Augur 19
Aura Absorption 16
Aura Reading 24
Aura of Invincibility 8
Auspex 22
Autarkis Persecution 21
Auto-da-fe 1
Autonomic Mastery 1
Aversion 4
Awe 3
Aye 3
Baal's Bloody Talons 4
Babble 13
Backflip 12
Backstab 7
Backstep 15
Backways 6
Baleful Doll 17
Baltimore Purge 7
Bang Nakh -- Tiger's Claws 16
Banishment 15
Banner of Neutrality 20
Barrens, The 23
Base Hunting Ground 2
Basilisk's Touch 2
Bastard Sword 3
Bastille Opera House 1
Battle Frenzy 8
Bauble 1
Bay and Howl 5
Beast Meld 2
Becoming of Ennoia 1
Behind You! 20
Belonging Grants Protection 6
Beretta 9mm 14
Bestial Visage 1
Bestow Vigor 1
Betrayer 2
Bewitching Oration 47
Big Game 26
Bima 3
Bind the Night-Walker 1
Biothaumaturgic Experiment 11
Black Gloves 2
Black Hand Ritual 6
Black Metamorphosis 4
Black Spiral Buddy 6
Black Sunrise 6
Black Throne, The 1
Blackmail 16
Bleeding the Vine 1
Blessing of Chaos 5
Blessing of Durga Syn 12
Blessing of the Name 2
Blind Spot 10
Blithe Acceptance 5
Blood Agony 3
Blood Awakening 6
Blood Bond 4
Blood Brother Ambush 12
Blood Clots 17
Blood Cult Awareness Network 3
Blood Doll 130
Blood Feast 28
Blood Fury 27
Blood Hunt 12
Blood Puppy 4
Blood Rage 27
Blood Siege 1
Blood Sweat 19
Blood Tears of Kephran 8
Blood Trade 1
Blood of Acid 7
Blood of the Cobra 3
Blood to Water 19
Bloodbath 2
Bloodform 1
Blooding 19
Blooding by the Code 5
Bloodstone 13
Bloodstorm of Chorazin 19
Bloodwork 8
Blow Torch 9
Blur 57
Body Arsenal 29
Body Bag 5
Body Flare 1
Bomb 6
Bond 18
Bond with the Mountain 2
Bonding 55
Bone Spur 15
Bonecraft 21
Book of Going Forth by Night, The 4
Border Skirmish 24
Bounty 9
Bowl of Convergence 2
Boxed In 29
Brainwash 8
Brass Knuckles 23
Bravo 4
Break the Code 4
Breath of Thanatos 14
Breath of the Dragon 6
Bribes 32
Brick Laying 18
Brigitte Gebauer (Wraith) 3
Brinksmanship 1
Brother in Arms 5
Brother's Blood 17
Brothers Grimm 1
Brujah Debate 2
Brujah Frenzy 1
Brute Force 4
Bujo 2
Bum's Rush 90
Bundi 5
Burden the Mind 5
Bureaucratic Overload 5
Burning Touch 15
Burning Wrath 24
Burnt Offerings 2
Burst of Sunlight 32
Business Pressure 3
Cadet 14
Caiaphas Smith 4
Cairo Int'l Airport 3
Call of the Hungry Dead 20
Call the Great Beast 5
Call, The 3
Camarilla Exemplary 24
Camarilla Threat 5
Camera Phone 5
Campground Hunting Ground 8
Can't Take it with You 5
Canine Horde 26
Canopic Jar 17
Capitalist 11
Cardinal Benediction 4
Cardinal Sin: Failure of Mission 9
Cardinal Sin: Insubordination 6
Carlton Van Wyk (Hunter) 1
Carnivale 2
Carrion Crows 40
Carthage Remembered 4
Carver's Meat Packing and Storage 2
Caseless Rounds 7
Cat Burglary 3
Catacombs 10
Catatonic Fear 13
Cats' Guidance 61
Cauldron of Blood 12
Cave of Apples 1
Celerity 23
Celestial Harmony 1
Census Taker 3
Centralized Background Check 1
Chain of Command 11
Chainsaw 6
Chair of Hades 1
Chalice of Kinship 2
Chameleon's Colors 11
Champion 2
Change of Target 15
Changeling 31
Changeling Skin Mask 2
Chanjelin Ward 2
Channel 10 4
Chantry 9
Charisma 3
Charming Lobby 14
Charnas the Imp 3
Children of Osiris 1
Chill of Oblivion 1
Chimerstry 11
Chiram's Hold 3
Chiropteran Marauder 17
Choir 18
Church of Vindicated Faith, The 2
Church of the Order of St. Blaise 3
Circle 13
Circumspect Revelation 12
City Gangrel Connections 4
Claiming the Body 3
Clan Impersonation 14
Clan Loyalty 12
Clandestine Contract 14
Claws of the Dead 51
Cleansing Ritual 1
Cleave 16
Clio's Kiss 6
Cloak of Blood 2
Cloak the Gathering 44
Closed Session 17
Clotho's Gift 9
Club Zombie 7
Coagulate Blood 9
Coagulated Entity 1
Cobra Fangs 1
Code of Milan Suspended 1
Codex of the Damned 1
Cold Aura 5
Collapse the Arches 21
Coma 21
Combat Shotgun 7
Command 2
Command of the Beast 5
Command of the Harpies 8
Command the Legion 1
Communal Haven: Cathedral 4
Communal Haven: Temple 9
Community Justice 1
Compel the Spirit 9
Compress 18
Computer Hacking 26
Conceal 1
Concealed Weapon 35
Concert Tour 4
Concoction of Vitality 11
Concordance 17
Condemn the Sins of the Father 1
Condemnation: Betrayed 1
Condemnation: Doomed 1
Condemnation: Languid 1
Condemnation: Mute 1
Conditioning 48
Conductor 2
Conflagration 24
Conflict of Interests 8
Confusion 28
Confusion of the Eye 18
Conniver 6
Conquer the Beast 2
Conquest of Humanity 1
Consanguineous Boon 43
Consanguineous Condemnation 6
Conscripted Statue 4
Consecration Rites 2
Conservative Agitation 55
Consignment to Duat 19
Consume the Dead 2
Contingency Planning 13
Contract 15
Cooler 5
Coordinate Attacks 17
Coroner's Contact 6
Corporal Reservoir 10
Corporate Hunting Ground 8
Corpse Balloon 13
Corpse Minion 7
Corrupt Construction 5
Corruption 16
Corruption's Purge 2
Council of Seraphim 1
Courier 7
Coven, The 1
Covenant of Blood 4
Covincraft 4
Cracking the Wall 3
Crawling Chamber 6
Create Gargoyle 5
Creation Rites 4
Creep Show 13
Creeping Infection 4
Creepshow Casino 6
Crimson Fury 2
Crocodile Temple, The 2
Crocodile's Tongue 12
Crusade: Barcelona 8
Crusade: Berlin 1
Crusade: Brussels 1
Crusade: Chicago 2
Crusade: Detroit 4
Crusade: Dublin 1
Crusade: Frankfurt 1
Crusade: Houston 1
Crusade: Istanbul 1
Crusade: London 2
Crusade: Mexico City 7
Crusade: Miami 2
Crusade: New York 4
Crusade: Paris 1
Crusade: Philadelphia 4
Crusade: Pittsburgh 12
Crusade: Rome 5
Crusade: Toronto 4
Crusader Sword, The 3
Cry Wolf 2
Cryptic Mission 33
Cryptic Rider 8
Cultivated Blood Shortage 3
Cunctator Motion 2
Curmudgeon 8
Curse of Nitocris 2
D'habi Revenant 11
Daemonic Possession 13
Dagon's Call 25
Damned, The 6
Danse Macabre 3
Daring the Dawn 12
Darkling Trickery 3
Darkness Within 7
Darksight 28
Dartmoor, England 4
Dauntain Black Magician (Changeling) 3
Dawn Operation 19
Day Operation 6
Dead Hand 14
Dead-End Alley 23
Deadliest Sin, The 1
Deal with the Devil 9
Death Pact 1
Death of My Conscience, The 10
Death of the Drum 4
Decapitate 13
Deed the Heart's Desire 9
Deer Rifle 12
Defender of the Haven 1
Deflection 23
Delaying Tactics 4
Delivery Truck 1
Dementation 16
Demonstration 9
Denial of Aphrodite's Favor 1
Deny 8
Deploy the Hand 13
Depravity 13
Descent into Darkness 7
Desert Eagle 8
Destructive Secrets 13
Detection 7
Determine 17
Deviki Prasanta 1
Devil-Channel: Back 5
Devil-Channel: Hands 14
Devil-Channel: Throat 12
Dia de los Muertos 1
Diamond Thunderbolt, The 9
Direct Intervention 8
Dirty Contract 10
Dirty Little Secrets 2
Dis Pater 1
Disarm 11
Disarming Presence 6
Discern 17
Disease 14
Disengage 21
Disguised Weapon 33
Dismemberment of Osiris 3
Disputed Territory 34
Dissolution 6
Distant Friend 3
Distraction 16
Dive into Madness 5
Diversion 25
Diversity 13
Divine Image 2
Divine Sign 8
Dodge 25
Dog Pack 3
Dogs of War 6
Domain Challenge 22
Domain of Evernight 11
Dominate 18
Dominate Kine 9
Dominion 16
Donate 17
Dr. Marisa Fletcher, CDC 3
Draba 16
Dragon's Breath Rounds 18
Dragonbound 2
Drain Essence 13
Dramatic Upheaval 8
Draught of the Soul 2
Drawing Out the Beast 49
Dread Gaze 28
Dream World 4
Dreams of the Sphinx 5
Drink the Blood of Ahriman 2
Drop Point Network 2
Drum of Xipe Totec 2
Duma Rafiki 4
Dummy Corporation 18
Dust to Dust 3
Eagle's Sight 24
Earth Control 26
Earth Meld 29
Earth Swords 18
Earthshock 12
Ebony Fox Hunt 2
Eccentric Billionaire 12
Echo of Harmonies 3
Ecstasy 20
Ecstatic Agony 4
Edge Explosion 2
Edge Vitiation 2
Edged Illusion 12
Effective Management 24
Elder Impersonation 35
Elder Intervention 18
Elder Kindred Network 15
Elder Library 18
Elder Michaelis's Hold 4
Eldest Are Kholo, The 1
Eldest Command Undeath, The 1
Eldritch Glimmer 4
Elemental Stoicism 1
Elephant Guardian 10
Eluding the Arms of Morpheus 5
Elysian Fields 8
Elysium: Sforzesco Castle 1
Elysium: The Arboretum 12
Elysium: The Palace of Versailles 4
Emergency Powers 1
Emergency Preparations 8
Emissary 7
Empowering the Puppet King 17
Enchant Kindred 68
Enchanted Marionette 3
Enforcer 11
Engling Fury 2
Enhanced Senses 64
Enrage 17
Enticement 13
Entombment 6
Entrancement 3
Entrenching 10
Erciyes Fragments, The 3
Erebus Mask 1
Erosion 4
Eruption of Vitae 1
Esbat 1
Escaped Mental Patient 13
Esgrima 6
Esteem 14
Eternal Mask, The 6
Eternal Vigilance 14
Eternals of Sirius, The 2
Ex Nihilo 1
Excellent Thirst 1
Excommunication 16
Expiate 3
Extortion 18
Extremis Boon 3
Exuding Blood 18
Eye of Hazimel 5
Eye of Unforgiving Heaven 4
Eyes of Blades 1
Eyes of Chaos 37
Eyes of the Dead 7
Eyes of the Night 19
Eyes of the Serpent 4
FBI Special Affairs Division 1
Faceless Night 53
Fae Contortion 5
Faithful Servant 5
Fake Out 22
Falcon's Eye 6
Fall of the Camarilla 1
Fall of the Sabbat 2
False Resonance 5
Fame 32
Fantasy World 1
Far Fatuus 5
Far Mastery 18
Fast Hands 28
Fast Reaction 25
Fata Amria 5
Fata Morgana 8
Fatuus Mastery 11
Fear of Mekhet 4
Fear of the Void Below 9
Fee Stake: Boston 5
Fee Stake: Los Angeles 1
Fee Stake: New York 5
Fee Stake: Perth 1
Fee Stake: Seattle 3
Feline Saboteur 4
Felix 'Fix' Hessian (Wraith) 3
Femur of Toomler 8
Feral Spirit 15
Ferraille 1
Festivo dello Estinto 17
Fetish Club Hunting Ground 3
Fiendish Tongue 13
Fifth Tradition: Hospitality 9
Filchware's Pawn Shop 1
Fillip 5
Final Nights, The 19
Finding the Path 18
Fire Dance 3
Fire on the Mountain 1
Firebrand 9
First Tradition: The Masquerade 4
Fists of Death 6
Flak Jacket 18
Flamethrower 15
Flaming Candle 2
Flash 69
Flash Grenade 6
Fleecing the Gaje 3
Flesh Bond 6
Flesh of Marble 25
Fleshcraft 9
Flow Within the Mountain 9
Flurry of Action 24
Folderol 19
Follow the Alpha 5
Follow the Blood 2
Force of Will 26
Forced Awakening 100
Forced March 22
Forced Vigilance 9
Forearm Block 6
Foresee 2
Foreshadowing Destruction 19
Forest of Shadows 4
Forger's Hammer 1
Forgery 15
Forgotten Labyrinth 14
Form of Corruption 5
Form of Mist 24
Form of the Ghost 21
Form of the Serpent 12
Fortitude 27
Fortschritt Library 1
Fortune Teller 6
Fortune Teller Shop 9
Foul Blood 4
Founders of the Ebony Kingdom 5
Fourth Tradition: The Accounting 9
Fractured Armament 13
Fragment of the Book of Nod 4
Freak Drive 18
Free Fight 1
Free States Rant 21
Frenzy 26
Friend of Mine 9
From a Sinking Ship 2
Frontal Assault 1
Frozen Object 2
Fueled by Heart's Blood 1
Galaric's Legacy 20
Gambit Accepted 2
Game of Malkav 15
Games of Instinct 19
Gang Tactics 2
Gang Territory 1
Gangrel Atavism 1
Gangrel Justicar 3
Gangrel Revel 5
Garrote 10
Gas-Powered Chainsaw 13
Gather 2
Gear Up 12
Gemini's Mirror 8
Gestalt 3
Ghost-Eater 2
Ghoul Escort 3
Ghoul Messenger 2
Ghoul Retainer 4
Ghouled 8
Ghouls of Plaza Moreria, The 5
Giant's Blood 4
Giovanni Acceptance 4
Giovanni Discrimination 9
Gird Minions 8
Giuseppe, Gravedigger 13
Glancing Blow 16
Glare of Lies 6
Glaser Rounds 9
Glass Walker Pact 2
Gleam of Red Eyes 16
Glutton 2
Go Anarch 27
Goblinism 1
Golconda: Inner Peace 8
Govern the Unaligned 62
Gramle 4
Grand Temple of Set 4
Grandest Trick, The 2
Grasp of the Python 15
Grasp the Ghostly 15
Graverobbing 19
Gregory Winter 4
Grenade 10
Grooming the Protege 5
Groundfighting 12
Growing Fury 5
Guard Dogs 41
Guard Duty 9
Guarded Rubrics 2
Guardian Angel 10
Gurchon Hall 1
Guru 14
Guruhi Are the Land, The 13
Guruhi Kholo 2
Gypsies 6
Hand Contract 12
Hand Intervention 14
Hanging Fermata 4
Haqim's Law: Judgment 2
Haqim's Law: Leadership 6
Harass 32
Hard Case 1
Harvest Rites 2
Harzomatuili 1
Hatchling 1
Haunt 20
Haunting, The 20
Haven Uncovered 49
Hawg 20
Haymaker 11
Healing Touch 7
Heart of Darkness 15
Heart of Nizchetus 2
Heart of the City 2
Heart's Desire 5
Heartblood of the Clan 5
Heaven's Gate 5
Heidelberg Castle, Germany 10
Helicopter 6
Hellhound 2
Hexaped 2
Hidden Lurker 26
Hidden Pathways 2
Hidden Strength 12
Hide 4
Hide the Mind 1
Hierophant 13
High Aye 5
High Ground 14
High Orun 5
High Stakes 1
High Top 2
Highway Haven: RV 5
Homunculus 9
Honor the Elders 30
Horrid Form 16
Horrid Reality 3
Horrific Countenance 13
Hospital Food 6
Hostile Takeover 2
Houngan 5
Hourglass of the Mind 3
Humanitas 8
Hunt Club, The 1
IR Goggles 14
Ignis Fatuus 11
Ignore the Searing Flames 22
Igoli's Loyalty 4
Illegal Search and Seizure 16
Illuminate 19
Illusions of the Kindred 3
Immaculate Vitae 3
Immense Size 2
Immortal Grapple 36
Imperial Decree 2
Imposing Phantasm 1
Imprison 2
Improvised Flamethrower 12
Improvised Tactics 18
Inbase Discotek, Frankfurt 6
Inconnu Tutelage 1
Increased Strength 43
Incriminating Videotape 8
Indomitability 23
Infection 9
Infernal Familiar 3
Infernal Pact 8
Infernal Pursuit 17
Inflict 17
Informant 2
Information Highway 20
Information Network 2
Inner Essence 17
Inquisition 4
Inscription 2
Inspire 3
Inspire Greatness 4
Instinctive Reaction 16
Institution Hunting Ground 9
Insurance Scam 4
Internal Recursion 5
Intimidation 5
Into Thin Air 4
Into the Fire 7
Inveraray, Scotland 3
Invitation Accepted 3
Invoking the Beast 12
Iron Glare 28
Iron Heart 2
Irregular Protocol 6
Ishtarri Kholo 2
Island of Yiaros 4
Ivory Bow 2
J. S. Simmons, Esq. 13
Jack of Both Sides 13
Jackal 1
Jackie Therman 4
Jake Washington (Hunter) 2
Jar the Soul 18
Jericho Founding 6
Jones, The 20
Joseph Pander 4
Judgment: Camarilla Segregation 4
Judgment: Death to the Brujah! 1
Jungle Hunting Ground 2
Justicar Retribution 10
KRCG News Radio 8
Kali's Fang 4
Karavalanisha Vrana 1
Kaymakli Barrier 1
Kaymakli Nightmares 1
Kduva's Mask 2
Keep it Simple 7
Kerrie 8
Khabar: Community, The 5
Khabar: Glory 9
Khabar: Honor, The 10
Khabar: Loyalty 4
Khazar's Diary (Endless Night) 6
Kherebutu (Bane Mummy) 1
Khobar Towers, Al-Khubar 2
Kindred Coercion 10
Kindred Intelligence 8
Kindred Manipulation 10
Kindred Restructure 7
Kindred Segregation 10
Kindred Society Games 3
Kindred Spirits 29
Kine Resources Contested 60
King of the Mountain 19
King's Favor 2
King's Rising 1
Kingston Penitentiary, Ontario 1
Kiss of Lachesis 9
Kiss of Ra, The 11
Knights, The 4
Kpist m/45 1
Kraken's Kiss 15
Kumpania 1
Labyrinth, The 13
Lapse 12
Laptop Computer 26
Last Stand 1
Lazarene Inquisitor 2
Leadership Vacuum 1
Leapfrog 5
Learjet 13
Leather Jacket 50
Leathery Hide 26
Left for Dead 4
Legacy of Caine 6
Legacy of Pander 1
Legacy of Power 3
Legal Manipulations 44
Legend of the Leopard 5
Legendary Vampire 3
Legion 5
Legwork 19
Leonardo, Mortician 7
Letter from Vienna 4
Leverage 5
Lextalionis 9
Liberty Club Intrigue 2
Library Hunting Ground 13
Life Boon 11
Life in the City 18
Lifeless Tongues 3
Lightning Reflexes 13
Liquefy the Mortal Coil 2
Liquidation 4
Little Mountain Cemetery 6
Living Manse 1
Living Wood Staff 2
Lobotomy 2
Local 1111 7
Lock 16
London Evening Star, Tabloid Newspaper 11
Loner 6
Loose Cannon 6
Loss 6
Lost in Crowds 59
Lost in Translation 6
Louvre, Paris, The 8
Loyal Street Gang 8
Loyalist 11
Lucky Blow 24
Lunatic Eruption 2
Lupine Assault 1
Lure of the Serpent 4
Maabara 1
Madness Network 8
Madness of the Bard 1
Madrigal 15
Magazine 1
Magic of the Smith 6
Majesty 25
Major Boon 17
Malkavian Dementia 5
Malkavian Derangement: Alternate Personality 1
Malkavian Game 8
Malkavian Justicar 2
Malkavian Prank 6
Malkavian Seven Miseries, The 7
Malkavian Time Auction 1
Malleable Visage 1
Manstopper Rounds 30
Mantle of the Bestial Majesty 1
Mantle of the Moon 1
Marijava Ghoul 8
Marijava Thuggee 10
Mark of Damnation 7
Mark of the Damned 3
Marked Path 4
Market Square 4
Martial Ritus 15
Masai Blood Milk 1
Mask Empathy 1
Mask of a Thousand Faces 26
Masochism 2
Masque of Judas 6
Masquer (Wraith) 20
Masquerade Endangered 9
Masquerade Enforcement 8
Mass Reality 2
Massassi's Honor 4
Mausoleum, Venice, The 8
Mayaparisatya 7
Mbare Market, Harare 1
Meat Cleaver 16
Meat Hook 18
Media Influence 18
Melange 6
Meld with the Land 24
Memories of Mortality 6
Memory's Fading Glimpse 3
Mental Maze 6
Mercury's Arrow 5
Mercy for Seth 13
Mercy for the Weak 4
Mesmerize 3
Mesu Bedshet 5
Metro Underground 12
Might of the Camarilla 2
Mighty Grapple 27
Millicent Smith, Puritan Vampire Hunter 1
Mind Numb 13
Mind Tricks 15
Mind of a Child 9
Mind of a Killer 1
Minion Tap 59
Ministry 9
Minor Boon 11
Minor Irritation 9
Mirror Image 17
Mirror Walk 4
Mirror's Visage 1
Misdirection 17
Missing Voice, The 18
Mistaken Identity 12
Mistrust 1
Mob Connections 21
Mob Rule 16
Moise Kasavubu 3
Mole, The 26
Molotov Cocktail 6
Momentum's Edge 1
Monocle of Clarity 2
Monomancy 7
Monster 1
Morgue Hunting Ground 12
Movement of the Mind 5
Movement of the Slow Body 5
Mozambique Allure 4
Mr. Winthrop 17
Muddled Vampire Hunter 7
Mummify 1
Mummy's Tongue 4
Murder of Crows 3
Muricia's Call 2
Murmur of the False Will 5
Muse of Flame 18
Mustajib 10
My Enemy's Enemy 8
Mylan Horseed (Goblin) 6
NSA Trio 2
Name Forgotten, The 1
Narrow Minds 1
National Guard Support 4
Necromancy 10
Neighborhood Watch Commander (Hunter) 13
Nephandus (Mage) 5
Nephren-Ka 1
Nest of Eagles 6
Neutral Guard 2
New Inquisition, The 1
New Management 3
New in Town 2
Night Moves 19
Nightmare Curse 1
Nightmares upon Nightmares 1
Nightshades 12
Nightstick 2
Nimble Feet 23
No Secrets From the Magaji 5
Nocturn 11
Nod 8
Nose of the Hound 21
Nosferatu Bestial 1
Nosferatu Justicar 2
Nosferatu Kingdom 2
Nosferatu Performance Art 4
Nosferatu Putrescence 4
Notorious Brutality 13
Oath of Loyalty 1
Obedience 13
Obfuscate 20
Obsession 2
Obtenebration 11
Occlusion 6
Octopod 16
Of Noble Blood 8
On the Qui Vive 27
Open Dossier 5
Open Grate 17
Opium Den 7
Orb of Ulain 4
Order of Hermes Cabal 2
Orun 5
Osebo Kholo 2
Ossian 1
Oubliette 17
Out of Control 7
Out of the Frying Pan 6
Outcast Mage 2
Overseer 5
Owl Companion 28
Oxford University, England 13
Pack Alpha 14
Pack Tactics 11
Palace Hunting Ground 2
Palatial Estate 10
Panacea 8
Pandora's Whisper 8
Paragon 2
Paris Opera House 2
Parity Shift 5
Park Hunting Ground 7
Parthenon, The 9
Passion 1
Patagia: Flaps Allowing Limited Flight 2
Path of Blood, The 7
Path of Bone, The 4
Path of Death and the Soul 2
Path of Evil Revelations 1
Path of Lilith, The 1
Path of Metamorphosis, The 4
Path of Night, The 7
Path of Paradox, The 2
Path of Retribution, The 1
Path of Tears, The 2
Path of Typhon, The 6
Path of the Feral Heart, The 8
Path of the Scorched Heart, The 2
Patrol 13
Patronage 5
Patshiv 15
Peace Treaty 26
Peace of Khetamon, The 4
Peacemaker 6
Pentex(TM) Loves You! 12
Pentex(TM) Subversion 5
Pere Lachaise, France 3
Perfect Clarity 7
Perfectionist 5
Permanency 11
Perpetual Care 3
Persistent Echo 2
Personal Involvement 2
Personal Scourge 13
Phantom Speaker 5
Phased Motion Detector 10
Phobia 4
Pier 13, Port of Baltimore 17
Plasmic Form 19
Playing for Keeps 1
Poison Pill 8
Poison the Well of Life 1
Poker 8
Polaris Coach 4
Police Department 5
Political Ally 2
Political Antagonist 1
Political Backlash 15
Political Flux 18
Political Hunting Ground 9
Political Seizure 10
Political Stranglehold 17
Political Struggle 8
Port Authority 2
Port Hunting Ground 2
Portrait, The 1
Possession 17
Potence 28
Pounce 9
Powder of Rigidity 5
Power Structure 3
Powerbase: Barranquilla 6
Powerbase: Berlin 2
Powerbase: Chicago 11
Powerbase: Los Angeles 4
Powerbase: Madrid 2
Powerbase: Mexico City 9
Powerbase: Montreal 1
Powerbase: Rome 9
Powerbase: Savannah 1
Powerbase: Washington, D.C. 11
Praetorian Backer 2
Praxis Seizure: Amsterdam 2
Praxis Seizure: Athens 1
Praxis Seizure: Atlanta 3
Praxis Seizure: Berlin 2
Praxis Seizure: Boston 2
Praxis Seizure: Brussels 2
Praxis Seizure: Chicago 2
Praxis Seizure: Cleveland 2
Praxis Seizure: Dallas 1
Praxis Seizure: Dublin 3
Praxis Seizure: Frankfurt 1
Praxis Seizure: Geneva 2
Praxis Seizure: Glasgow 1
Praxis Seizure: Houston 5
Praxis Seizure: Istanbul 2
Praxis Seizure: London 4
Praxis Seizure: Miami 5
Praxis Seizure: Paris 2
Praxis Seizure: Rome 6
Praxis Seizure: Stockholm 2
Praxis Seizure: Venice 3
Praxis Seizure: Washington, D.C. 1
Praxis Solomon 1
Precision 1
Precognition 26
Precognizant Mobility 16
Predator's Communion 6
Predator's Mastery 11
Predator's Transformation 3
Presence 21
Preternatural Evasion 3
Preternatural Strength 1
Priestess of Sekhmet 13
Primal Instincts 12
Principia Discordia 6
Priority Shift 2
Prison of the Mind 2
Procurer 15
Project 2
Projectile 17
Promise of 1528 1
Propaganda 19
Prophecies of Gehenna 1
Protean 15
Protect Thine Own 2
Protected Resources 7
Protracted Investment 12
Provision of the Silsila 7
Proxy Kissed 14
Pseudo-Blindness 20
Psyche! 27
Psychic Assault 12
Psychic Projection 4
Psychic Veil 6
Psychomachia 21
Public Trust 5
Pulled Fangs 18
Pulling Strings 14
Pulse of the Canaille 28
Punish 17
Puppeteer (Wraith) 4
Purchase Pact 14
Purification 2
Purity of the Beast 6
Pursuit 55
Pushing the Limit 32
Putrefaction 18
Putrescent Servitude 1
Qetu the Evil Doer (Bane Mummy) 1
Quick Exit 5
Quick Jab 5
Quick Meld 12
Quicken Sight 17
Quickness 5
Quicksilver Contemplation 2
Quietus 10
RPG Launcher 1
Rabble Razing 17
Rack, The 12
Rafastio Ghoul 10
Raking Talons 5
Rampage 17
Random Patterns 12
Rant! 14
Rapid Change 20
Rapid Healing 28
Rapid Thought 2
Raptor 7
Rastacourere 4
Rat's Warning 26
Rave 22
Raven Spy 40
Ravnos Acceptance 4
Ravnos Cache 3
Ravnos Carnival 2
Rayzeel's Song 14
Razor Bat 8
React with Conviction 18
Read Intentions 25
Read the Winds 5
Reality 17
Reality Mirror 1
Realm of the Black Sun, The 5
Reanimated Corpse 5
Rebel 10
Rebirth 3
Recalled to the Founder 1
Reckless Agitation 5
Recruitment 14
Recure of the Homeland 7
Recurring Contemplation 4
Red Herring 19
Red List 17
Redcap Wilder 2
Redeem the Lost Soul 4
Redirection 35
Redistribution 6
Redline 2
Reform Body 7
Reformation 2
Regaining the Upper Hand 9
Regarhagan's Hold 3
Regeneration 4
Regenerative Blood 1
Reindoctrination 5
Reinforcements 7
Reins of Power 11
Rejuvenate 18
Release of the Shackled Soul 3
Relentless Pursuit 8
Reliquary: Akunanse Remains 2
Reliquary: Biague 2
Remover 9
Renegade Garou 4
Renewed Vigor 20
Repo Man 1
Repulsion 10
Resilience 16
Resilient Mind 1
Resist Earth's Grasp 5
Respire 17
Restoration 37
Restricted Vitae 4
Restructure 1
Retain the Quick Blood 1
Retribution 3
Return to Innocence, The 1
Reunion Kamut 8
Revelation of Desire 6
Revelation of Despair 15
Revelation of Ecstasy 5
Revelation of Wrath 3
Revelation of the Sire 6
Revelations 14
Revenant 13
Reversal of Fortunes 8
Revocation of Tyre 3
Rewind Time 2
Riddle Phantastique 8
Rigor Mortis 9
Riposte 11
Rise of the Nephtali 1
Ritual Challenge 4
Ritual of the Bitter Rose 5
Robert Carter 6
Rockheart 6
Roll 3
Rolling with the Punches 25
Rom Gypsy 4
Rooftop Shadow 15
Root of Vitality 12
Rose Foundation, The 2
Rotschreck 22
Rowan Ring 3
Ruins of Ceoris 1
Ruins of Charizel 5
Ruins of Villers Abbey, Belgium 4
Rumble 17
Rumor Mill, Tabloid Newspaper, The 18
Rumors of Gehenna 4
Rutor's Hand 18
Sabbat Inquisitor 3
Sabbat Priest 25
Sabbat Threat 14
Sacrament of Carnage 25
Sacre Cour Cathedral, France 6
Sacrifice 2
Sacrificial Lamb 13
Samuel Haight 2
San Lorenzo de El Escorial, Spain 2
San Nicolas de los Servitas 1
Sanguinary Wind 6
Sanguine Instruction 13
Sargon Fragment, The 2
Saturday-Night Special 26
Save Face 8
Sawed-Off Shotgun 24
Scalpel Tongue 24
Scapelli, The Family 'Mechanic' 3
Scattershot 8
Scorn of Adonis 9
Scorpion Sting 27
Scorpion's Touch 21
Scouting Mission 32
Screw the Masquerade! 1
Scrounging 8
Scry the Hearthstone 5
Scrying of Secrets 10
Seal of Veddartha 2
Second Sight 16
Second Tradition: Domain 36
Secret Horde 25
Secret Library of Alexandria, The 3
Secret Must Be Kept, The 1
Secret Passage 13
Secure Haven 15
Seduction 23
Seeds of Corruption 5
Selective Silence 9
Sengir Dagger 6
Sense Death 5
Sense Vitality 12
Sense the Savage Way 4
Sense the Sin 22
Sensory Deprivation 4
Sensory Overload 17
Seraph 6
Seraph's Second 2
Serenading the Kami 7
Sermon of Caine 12
Serpentis 12
Set's Call 2
Set's Curse 1
Shackles of Enkidu 1
Shade 6
Shadow Body 14
Shadow Feint 15
Shadow Parasite 4
Shadow Play 34
Shadow Step 3
Shadow Strike 29
Shadow Twin 10
Shadow of Taint 1
Shadow of the Beast 9
Shadow of the Wolf 2
Shakar 16
Shaman 2
Shambling Hordes 11
Shame 17
Shanty Town Hunting Ground 5
Shape Mastery 1
Shared Nightmare 2
Shared Strength 1
Shattered Mirror 2
Shattering Blow 16
Sheepdog 1
Shell Break 5
Shell Game 5
Shepherd's Innocence 13
Shilmulo Deception 16
Shilmulo Tarot 2
Shock Troops 1
Short-Term Investment 24
Shotgun Ritual 2
Shroud Mastery 5
Shroud of Night 4
Shroudsight 5
Sibyl's Tongue 1
Side Strike 9
Sideslip 53
Sight Beyond Sight 1
Signet of King Saul, The 3
Silence of Death 2
Sins of the Cauchemar 5
Siphon 6
Sire's Index Finger 2
Siren's Lure 1
Sires Command, Childer Inherit 5
Sixth Tradition: Destruction 4
Skin Trap 3
Skin of Night 15
Skin of Rock 23
Skin of Steel 25
Skin of the Adder 20
Skin of the Chameleon 13
Skullduggery 27
Slam 3
Slashers, The 3
Slaughterhouse, The 12
Slaughtering the Herd 6
Slave Auction 7
Sleep Unseen 9
Sleep of Reason 7
Sleeping Mind, The 8
Slow Withering, The 1
Slum Hunting Ground 17
Smash and Grab 23
Smiling Jack, The Anarch 7
Smite 4
Smoke Grenade 2
Smoke and Mirrors 6
Snipe Hunt 6
Sniper Rifle 5
Soak 15
Soar 13
Social Charm 40
Social Ladder 1
Society Hunting Ground 9
Society of Leopold 6
Sociopath 12
Sonar 20
Song in the Dark 4
Song of Pan 6
Song of Serenity 35
Songs of the Distant Vitae 6
Soul Burn 9
Soul Decoration 15
Soul Gem of Etrius 4
Soul Painting 1
Soul Stealing 10
Soul of the Earth 2
Sowing Dissension 5
Spawning Pool, The 7
Speak with Spirits 20
Special Report 10
Specialization 1
Spectral Divination 19
Speed of Thought 4
Spell of Life 3
Spike-Thrower 4
Spirit Marionette 11
Spirit Summoning Chamber 3
Spirit's Touch 52
Spiritual Intervention 7
Spiritual Protector 6
Spontaneous Power 2
Sport Bike 23
Spying Mission 29
Squirrel Balance 4
Staredown 28
Starshell Grenade Launcher 11
Starvation of Marena 19
Static Virtue 1
Status Perfectus, The 2
Steal the Mind 1
Stealth Ritus 22
Steam Tunnels 2
Stolen Police Cruiser 1
Stone Dog 4
Stone Quills 18
Stone Travel 6
Stonestrength 5
Storage Annex 17
Storm Sewers 2
Strained Vitae Supply 12
Strange Day 2
Stranger Among Us, The 7
Street Cred 4
Strength of the Bear 11
Strike at the True Flesh 4
Strike with Conviction 17
Stunt Cycle 28
Stutter-Step 24
Submachine Gun 4
Succubus 2
Succubus Club 1
Succulent Vitae 20
Sudario Refraction 2
Sudden Reversal 34
Summon Soul 22
Summon Spirit Beast 2
Summon the Serpent 6
Summoning, The 19
Sunrise Service 2
Superior Mettle 29
Suppressing Fire 14
Surge 3
Surprise Influence 25
Survivalist 15
Svadharma 12
Swallowed by the Night 48
Swarm 5
Swiftness of the Stag 9
Swiss Cut 1
Sword of Judgment 14
Sword of Nuln 1
Sword of the Righteous 6
Tainted Vitae 2
Tajdid 4
Talaq, The Immortal 7
Talbot's Chainsaw 1
Talith 2
Talons of the Dead 8
Tangle Atropos' Hand 2
Tapestry of Blood 1
Tara, The Hollow One (Mage) 1
Target Hand 1
Target Leg 1
Target Vitals 2
Tasha Morgan 6
Taste of Death 6
Taste of Vitae 51
Tattoo Signal 11
Taunt the Caged Beast 11
Telepathic Counter 42
Telepathic Misdirection 27
Telepathic Tracking 10
Telepathic Vote Counting 22
Templar 27
Temple Hunting Ground 9
Temptation of Greater Power 4
Tenebrous Form 8
Tension in the Ranks 11
Terra Incognita 5
Terror Frenzy 6
Terrorists 1
Textbook Damnation, The 2
Thadius Zho, Mage 1
Thanks for the Donation 1
Thaumaturgy 18
Theft of Vitae 83
Thin Blood 24
Thin-Blooded Seer 1
Third Tradition: Progeny 13
Thirst 2
Those Who Endure Judge 5
Thoughts Betrayed 28
Threats 44
Threestar Cab Company 3
Thrones Crumble 16
Thrown Gate 57
Thrown Sewer Lid 47
Tier of Souls 6
Tithings 5
Tomb of Rameses III 3
Tongue of the Serpent 13
Toreador Grand Ball 9
Toreador Justicar 4
Torment the Soul 16
Torn Signpost 46
Torpid Blood 1
Tortured Confession 24
Total Insanity 8
Touch of Pain 21
Tourette's Voice 15
Tower of London 3
Toy Chest Test 5
Tracker's Mark 13
Tradition Upheld 5
Traditionalist 7
Tragic Love Affair 2
Trainer 1
Tranquility 2
Transfer of Power 2
Transfusion 4
Trap 35
Travelers Obey the Tenets 1
Treachery 16
Treasured Samadji 2
Treatment, The 7
Tremere Convocation 4
Tremere Justicar 2
Tribunal Judgment 5
Tribute to the Master 28
Trick of the Danya, The 9
Triole's Revenge 1
Trochomancy 5
Trophy: Clan Respect 1
Trophy: Diablerie 2
Trophy: Discipline 1
Trophy: Domain 2
Trophy: Hunting Ground 1
Trophy: Library 1
Trophy: Progeny 2
Trophy: Retainers 2
Trophy: Revered 1
Trophy: Safe Passage 1
Trophy: Wealth 1
True Faith 1
True Love's Face 14
Trumped-Up Charges 21
Truth in Ink 17
Truth of Blood 6
Truth of a Thousand Lies 7
Tumnimos 12
Tutu the Doubly Evil One (Bane Mummy) 3
Twisted Forest 1
Typhonic Beast 12
Unburdening the Bestial Soul 1
Uncontrollable Rage 6
Uncontrolled Impulse 14
Undead Persistence 18
Undead Strength 61
Under the Skin 14
Underbridge Stray 2
Underworld Hunting Ground 5
Undue Influence 13
Undying Tenacity 5
Undying Thirst 2
Unexpected Coalition 9
Unflinching Persistence 34
Unholy Penance 5
Unity 4
University Hunting Ground 6
Unlicensed Taxicab 6
Unmasking, The 1
Unnatural Disaster 16
Unseen Hibernation 7
Unwholesome Bond 21
Up Yours! 1
Uptown Hunting Ground 11
Urban Jungle 1
Using the Advantage 3
Vagabond Mystic 4
Vampiric Disease 2
Vampiric Speed 16
Vanish from the Mind's Eye 10
Vascular Explosion 19
Vast Wealth 13
Vaulderie 13
Veil of Darkness 1
Veil of Silence 16
Veil the Legions 16
Veiled Sight 6
Vendetta 10
Veneficorum Artum Sanguis 6
Venenation 20
Venetian Conference 15
Vengeance of Samiel 15
Ventrue Directorate Assembly 12
Ventrue Headquarters 8
Ventrue Investment 14
Ventrue Justicar 2
Vermin Channel 13
Vial of Elder Vitae 12
Vial of Garou Blood 13
Vicissitude 11
Vicissitude Poisoning 7
Victim of Habit 3
Vigil: The Thin Line 3
Vigilance 16
Violation of Trust 7
Visit from the Capuchin 4
Vitae Block 3
Voice of Madness 16
Voter Captivation 34
Vox Domini 3
Vox Senis 17
Vulnerability 9
Vulture's Buffet 1
WMRH Talk Radio 2
Wake with Evening's Freshness 89
Walk of Caine 12
Walk of Flame 49
Wall Street Night, Financial Newspaper 1
Wanderer's Counsel 4
War Ghoul 6
War Party 12
Warning Sirens 12
Warrant 5
Warzone Hunting Ground 11
Wasserschloss Anif, Austria 4
Waste Management Operation 3
Watch Commander 11
Watchtower: Chosen are Called 1
Watchtower: Four Ride Forth 2
Watchtower: Greatest Fall 3
Watchtower: The Wolves Feed 4
Waters of Duat 14
Wave of Lethargy 5
Waxen Poetica 1
Weather Control 25
Web of Knives Recruit 9
Weeping Stone 2
Weigh the Heart 14
Weighted Walking Stick 5
Well-Aimed Car 3
Wendell Delburton (Hunter) 7
Werewolf Pack 4
Whispers from the Dead 14
Whispers of the Nictuku 3
Whistling Up the Beast 1
White Phosphorus Grenade 5
Wildebeest, The 1
Will of the Council 8
Will-o'-the-Wisp 1
Wind Dance 5
Wise Spider 1
Withering 19
Wolf Claws 14
Wolf Companion 23
Wooden Stake 22
Wormwood 1
Wrath of the Inner Circle 1
Writ of Acceptance 8
XTC-Laced Blood 6
Year of Fortune 9
Yoruba Shrine 1
Young Bloods 1
Zapaderin 5
Zillah's Tears 11
Zillah's Valley 13
Zip Gun 13
Zombie 11
Zoning Board 6
Zoo Hunting Ground 5
Vente de decks
Messages : 84
Inscription : 23 octobre 2008, 10:01

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