CR : Return of Nergal

Ici nous retrouvons les vampires de la région de Strasbourg, Metz, Nancy, Épinal, Lille, etc.

Modérateurs : Blackwood, VEKN Nord-Est

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Messages : 4047
Inscription : 28 avril 2004, 08:27
Localisation : Dunkerque

CR : Return of Nergal

Message par Nicolas »

Hello Robert,

Here is the report from our tournament held on the 11/11/2005 in Dunkerque (France).

Hope everything will be understandable, and at the right place.
If there is something not quite clear, don't hesitate to ask me...


Nicolas, Prince of Oye Plage.


1.9 Toreador
1.10 Yohann Fourdrain
1.11 1st seed
1.12 Giovanni (Shambling Hordes)


2.1 Not so good... he was blocked when he tried to recruit the Herald of Topheth... and he didn't have the Telepathic Misdirection when he was bled for 3 or more (except once)

2.2 Nergal told two players (Followers of Seth, bled by Gangrel Antitribu) that their respective Predator and Prey (Toreador and Tremere) would finally crush them both because they had time to build their "playgrounds" with Anson, François Villon and Alexandra for one and 4 or 5 vampires for the Tremere (among them Cassandra and Sarah Cobbler)

2.3 Bleed for 5 from Caitlin, redirected to the Setite player twice
Setites' turn : big bleed too, but an Infernal Ecstasy calms them down
Tremeres seem to better attack Nergal's Influence
Political Flux at 1 pool played by the Toreador in the case of nergal earning the first pool
Toreador and Gangrel Antitribu unite their strengths to bleed and politically (Kine Resources Contested) affect Nergal
The Setite Suddens Nergal's Blood Doll

Nergal is now equipped with 3 Rutor's Hand and the Toreador Player helps him going from 3 to 6 pool with a Political Stranglehold
Caitlin bleeds with Govern to bring Nergal's Influence back to 3

And Sarah Cobbler, from the Tremere Clan, sends him back to oblivion...

When Nergal has left the table, the Toreador is at 27 pool, he kills quickly the Gangrel Antitribu (who only played Caitlin and Badr al-Budur), then the Setite (whose last action from caitlin to help him was not to choose any Vampire for the Reins of Power called by the Toreador)...

This is the last fight between the Tremere and the Toreador but the Time Limit brought the following Reults :

!Gangrel : 1
Setite : 1
Tremere : 1.5
Toreador : 3.5

2.4 No
2.5 No
2.6 No
2.7 No

2.8 Caitlin told Alexandra "Go and strike Nergal to his final death, he is almost exhausted and you prefer to Politically Stranglehold us all instead of that... Use your grand Ball and the Aching Beauty from François Villon or Anson..."
Amenophobis and Caitlin : "Why are you weakening me with these two (5 points) assaults on Set's influence... We should unite our force againt nergal instead..." "I know, Amenophobis but you are my prey so..."
Amenophobis and Caitlin (Round 2) : "Please block me in order to renew my strength against Nergal" "No, Caitlin, I don't trust you anymore..."

2.9 all played by the Toreador, sometimes with the help of Toreador Grand Ball or Aching Beauty
Political Flux to limit the gain pool to 1
Political Stranglehold to gain 6 pool for the Toreador but 3 for Nergal too
Some Kine Resources Contested (of course)
Reins of Power, for which the Gangrel Antitribu didn't choose any vampire to help his prey (Followers of Seth) try to continue the fight against the Camarilla...

2.10 Cassandra in a fight with Nergal prefers to distract him with her floating book and ends the combat, but she tells him "Fear the power of the Tremere Clan, especially from our feminine witches"

2.11 We decided to kill Nergal first then play between "humans... errrr... well between vampires...", Nergal objected that the only "good little soldiers for the Camarilla were the Gangrel Antitribu and the Followers of Set, and that they will be crushed by Toreador and Tremere after he disappears..." which happened like that...

2.12 Nergal's Rutor's Hands helped him play 4 actions in one turn... with some Demonic Freak Drive, I think


2.14 The Tremere helps relaxing the players'table when he said "Nergal has just 4 pool, that's not much light" which sounds in french like "There's 4 light bulbs, that's not much light"
Petit Reuze,
Childe of Pard
Grandchilde of Ennoia
Childe of Ravnos
Childe of Caine
:ani: :cel: :chi: :FOR: :PRO:
Gangrel Prince of Oye Plage
Alastor Grand Nord
Former National Coordinator
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